发行说明 (AEN 4.1.3)#
v4.1.3 16 八月 2017¶
- 将 conda 升级到版本 4.3.24
- 将 anaconda 升级到版本 4.4.0
- Admin 应用程序监视器
- 阻止访问包列表视图
- 在密码重置表单中添加占位符
- 更改静态内容位置
- 修复在 notebook 应用程序中检查包更新时出现的错误
- 替换项目标签中的斜杠
- 修复密码重置表单中的提交错误
- 从多个地方替换/删除 “wakari” 单词
- 修复 start-project 中缺少 sudo 的缺失命令
- 改进网关和计算节点验证器
- 在服务器设置过程中检查 bzip2 是否已安装
- 在主机标头中包含端口号
- 禁止创建空标签
- 修复登录页面中的“Create Account”链接
- 将 UTC 用于服务器日志
- 默认情况下将数据中心标记为受信任
- 禁用心跳
- 计算资源:显示日志文件的完整路径
- 改进 init 脚本
- 允许删除所有项目
- mtq:在连接到 mongodb 时实施指数回退
- 在常规 admin 显示中,不显示 LDAP 的绑定密码
- 加速包已从安装中删除
- 其他小错误修复
v4.1.2 29 3月 2017¶
这主要是维护版本改进内部机械和升级 根包。
- 将 conda 升级到版本 4.3.14
- 将 Anaconda 升级到 4.3.1
- 将 r-base 升级到 3.2.2
- 修复了 AEN nb_conda以与 conda 4.3.x 系列兼容
- 多个文档修复
- 其他小错误修复
v4.1.1 12月 15, 2016¶
- 添加了 CentOS 7 支持
- 支持用户名中的点
- 更多用户名验证
- 修复了单字母环境名称的创建(通过 nb_conda)
- 环境名称(通过 nb_conda)验证
- 修复了使用 nb_anacondacloud 上传笔记本的问题
- 修复了通过 nb_anacondacloud 在已发布的笔记本中附加环境的问题
- 多个文档修复
- 其他 bug 修复
v4.1.0 21 十月 2016¶
- 添加了 JupyterLab 应用程序
- 删除了 GateOne 终端应用程序
- 包含的其他笔记本扩展 (
nbpresent and
- Updated to conda 4.2.9 in default project environments
- Added HTTP timeout setting for gateway and compute launcher
- Changed default gateway port to 8089
- Added support for all-numeric usernames
- Add R channel to default conda configuration file
- Other bugfixes
v4.0.0 June 30, 2016¶
- Customized installation with:
- AEN Functional ID and Group
- AEN (installation and run)
sudo commands
- Removal of root access from the AEN service account
- Configurable sudo command
- Restriction of sudo access to all the processes
- Upgrade Jupyter to 4.2
- Upgrade the anaconda-nb-extensions to the latest versions
- Upgrade Anaconda to 4.0
- Deprecate wakari-publisher
- Security enhancements
- SSL configuration documented between all AEN Server components
- Several bugfixes
- Overall documentation revision and general improvement
v0.10.0 February 2, 2016¶
- New projects dashboard
- Capability to star and tag a project
- Sticky searches
- New Jupyter Notebook extensions
- Updates to all packages. Highlights: bokeh 0.11, ipython/jupyter 4.1.
v0.9.1 October 19, 2015¶
- New Search capability to find projects and files within a project.
- Added “Related Projects” list to the project view, based on code
- New UI for fine-grained access control of project files in the
Workbench app
- Viewer app now renders plain text files correctly
- Updated LDAP configuration docs
- Updates to all packages. Highlights: bokeh 0.10, ipython/jupyter 4.0.
Note ElasticSearch, and an Oracle JRE, must be installed on the
server in order to use the new search features. Indexing of project
files will begin when the project is started (or paused and re-started).
If search features are not desired, set "SEARCH_ENABLED": false in
the server configuration file to avoid errors.
v0.8.0 August 21, 2015¶
New Features¶
- Updated packages based on Anaconda 2.3, and removed older packages no
longer in Anaconda.
- Updated IPython to version 3.2.1
- Documentation is now installed with the server (use the Help link in
the top navigation bar)
- Added the ability for the administrator to define a customized
default project environment.
- The server has been updated to use python 2.7.10.
- Init scripts are now provided for each Anaconda Enterprise Notebooks
- Added relevant links to some error pages
Problems Resolved in this Release¶
- Project status indicators (e.g. starting, pausing) now automatically
- If an access is unauthorized, the server now returns a 403
(Unauthorized) status code and prompts the user to log in.
- Modified nginx configuration to support running the server on
non-standard ports.
- The server installation no longer uses a default password for the
wakari user. A random password is generated and displayed during
- Prevent double-click from attempting to create a project twice
- Removed an obsolete script reference that was causes a 404 error to
be logged in the browser console when opening the Terminal app.
- The installer scripts no longer fail if the database already contains
the ‘wakari’ user.
- Updated example notebooks to work with latest Bokeh release.
- Fixed terminal app key bindings to allow Mac command key to work
- Installers now indicate where the installation logs are stored
- LDAP user attributes containing binary data are now ignored.
Documentation Updates¶
- Updated and consolidated Troubleshooting guide.
- Simplified some steps in the installation procedure.
- Updated notebooks in the Examples directory for use with the latest
IPython Notebook and Bokeh.
- Added a section on project permissions to the Troubleshooting guide.
- Added notes on how to remove a project if the datacenter has already
been removed.
v0.7.0 June 12, 2015¶
New Features¶
- Updated Bokeh to v0.9
- Ability to list packages installed on the server
- Administrators now have full access to all projects.
- Added automated checking and display of connection status between
server, data centers, and compute resources.
- When creating a new project, an environment for the project is
automatically created as a clone of the root Anaconda environment.
Problems Resolved in this Release¶
- Problem with checking in files with revision control extension
- Revision control extension can’t handle notebook names with spaces
- Problem moving files form one compute node to another if configured
for LDAP
- Should default to UTF-8 encoding and warn user if no locale is
- Adding a compute resource via the command line admin tool does not
- The installer now sets
umask 0022 to ensure correct file
Documentation Updates¶
- Added a Troubleshooting section
to the documentation.
- Added notes on how to configure crontab to start the Anaconda
Enterprise Notebooks services at startup
- Example SSL config file now has correct log paths
- Added instructions on how to ensure that POSIX ACL support is enabled
on the projects directory.
- Fixed syntax problem in sample LDAP config.json
- Added section on how to use self-signed or private CA certificates
v0.6.3 March 27, 2015¶
- Updated LDAP module
- LDAP user filtering
- Added Notebook locking
- Added Notebook integrated revision control system
- Move projects between compute nodes
- User-specific binding to compute nodes (private compute nodes)
- Improved installation process and dependency checking
- Incorporated support for SSL for Server and Gateway nodes
- Improved Gateway error handling
- Fixed package dependencies for update process
- Documentation updates