常见问题解答 (AEN 4.2.0)#
什么是 AEN?¶
有关 AEN 的信息,请参阅 Anaconda Enterprise Notebooks。
我可以禁用“publish your notebook to anaconda.org”选项吗?¶
是的。笔记本应用程序中的上传按钮执行选项“发布您的 notebook 设置为 anaconda.org”。要禁用它,请以 AEN_SRVC_ACCT 身份登录并运行 这些命令:
source activate /opt/wakari/wakari-compute
jupyter-nbextension disable nb_anacondacloud --py --sys-prefix
jupyter-serverextension disable nb_anacondacloud --py --sys-prefix
如何检查我的 AEN 服务器的版本号?¶
在浏览器中转到此 URL:http://$AEN_SERVER/admin/list
NOTE: Replace $AEN_SERVER with the domain name or the domain name and port number
of your AEN server.
Can I use AEN to access CSV or Amazon S3 data?¶
Yes. If your data is in CSV files, upload the CSV files to your
AEN account using the upload controls in the File Browser of the
Workbench Application or the File Transfer Application.
To access data stored on Amazon S3, use the Boto interface from AEN.
See the public data files in AEN for examples
of how to use Boto to pull your data from Amazon S3 into AEN. For
more information, see Boto documentation.
You can also use IOPro to simplify and optimize the conversion of
your data into Python arrays.
Can I install other Python packages?¶
Yes, by creating a custom environment for your packages within your project.
For more information, see
Using the NBConda extension.
Can I create a Python environment from the command line?¶
Yes, you can use the conda create command to create custom
Python environments with whatever packages you choose. All
AEN environments are shared with all the team members of a
EXAMPLE: In this example, myenv is a new environment containing
the NumPy package.
conda create -n myenv numpy
NOTE: Python, Jupyter Notebooks and PIP are installed by default
in all new AEN environments.
To use your new environment, activate it by running
source activate myenv.
Can I connect to GitHub with AEN?¶
Yes, you have full access to GitHub through an AEN Terminal application.
To generate an SSH key from your AEN account and add it to your GitHub account:
- Generate a GitHub SSH key.
- Copy your key by running
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
- Select and copy the contents of the
id_rsa.pub file to the clipboard.
- Follow GitHub’s instructions
to go to your GitHub account and paste it from your clipboard
into the appropriate box in your GitHub settings.
Can I print or print preview my Jupyter Notebooks?¶
Yes, you can print your notebooks using your browser’s regular printing
You can also preview the printed page by clicking the File menu and
selecting Print Preview.
Is there a set amount of storage on AEN?¶
No, there is no set limit for storage in AEN. You are limited only by the
size of the disk where AEN is installed.
If you need more storage, contact your system administrator.