Anaconda Client 是 Anaconda Enterprise 4 的命令行界面 (CLI) 存储 库。您可以使用它来登录、注销、管理您的 帐户、上传文件、生成访问Token、查看Token和 其他任务。
完整的 Client 命令参考如下所示。您还可以
命令anaconda --help
或anaconda -h
usage: anaconda [-h] [--disable-ssl-warnings] [--show-traceback] [-v] [-q]
[-V] [-t TOKEN] [-s SITE]
Anaconda Repository command line manager
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
Disable SSL warnings (default: False)
--show-traceback Show the full traceback for chalmers user errors
(default: False)
-v, --verbose print debug information to the console
-q, --quiet Only show warnings or errors the console
anaconda-client options:
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
Authentication token to use. May be a token or a path
to a file containing a token
-s SITE, --site SITE select the anaconda-client site to use
auth Manage Authorization Tokens
label Manage your Anaconda Repository labels
channel [DEPRECATED in favor of label] Manage your Anaconda
Repository channels
config Anaconda client configuration
copy Copy packages from one account to another
download Download notebooks from Anaconda Repository
groups Manage Groups
login Authenticate a user
logout Log out from Anaconda Repository
notebook [DEPRECATED in favor of upload/download] Interact
with notebooks in anaconda.org
package Package utils
remove Remove an object from Anaconda Repository. Must refer to
the formal package name as it appears in the URL of
the package. Also use anaconda show <USERNAME> to see
list of package names. Example: anaconda remove
search Search Anaconda Repository
show Show information about an object
upload Upload packages to Anaconda Repository
whoami Print the information of the current user
build Anaconda build client for continuous integration,
testing and building packages
worker Anaconda build client for continuous integration,
testing and building packages
usage: anaconda auth [-h] [-n NAME] [-o ORGANIZATION]
[--strength {strong,weak}] [--strong] [-w] [--url URL]
[--max-age MAX_AGE] [-s SCOPES] [--out OUT]
(-x | -l | -r NAME [NAME ...] | -c | -i)
Manage Authorization Tokens
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME A unique name so you can identify this token later.
View your tokens at anaconda.org/settings/access
Set the token owner (must be an organization)
token creation arguments:
These arguments are only valid with the `--create` action
--strength {strong,weak}
--strong Create a longer token (default)
-w, --weak Create a shorter token
--url URL The url of the application that will use this token
--max-age MAX_AGE The maximum age in seconds that this token will be
valid for
-s SCOPES, --scopes SCOPES
Scopes for token. For example if you want to limit
this token to conda downloads only you would use
--scopes "repo conda:download"
--out OUT
-x, --list-scopes list all authentication scopes
-l, --list list all user authentication tokens
-r NAME [NAME ...], --remove NAME [NAME ...]
remove authentication tokens
-c, --create Create an authentication token
-i, --info, --current-info
Show information about the current authentication
Manage Authentication tokens
有关更多信息,请参阅 Token 术语表条目。
usage: anaconda login [-h] [--hostname HOSTNAME] [--username LOGIN_USERNAME]
[--password LOGIN_PASSWORD]
Authenticate a user
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hostname HOSTNAME Specify the host name of this login, this should be
unique (default: hq-phone-114.corp.continuum.io)
Specify your username. If this is not given, you will
be prompted
Specify your password. If this is not given, you will
be prompted
usage: anaconda logout [-h]
Log out from Anaconda Repository
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: anaconda whoami [-h]
Print the information of the current user
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: anaconda show [-h] spec
Show information about an object
positional arguments:
spec Package written as USER[/PACKAGE[/VERSION[/FILE]]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Show information about an object
anaconda show anaconda
anaconda show anaconda/python
anaconda show anaconda/python/2.7.5
anaconda show anaconda/python/2.7.5/linux-64/python-2.7.5-0.tar.bz2
usage: anaconda search [-h] [-t {conda,pypi}]
[-p {osx-32,osx-64,win-32,win-64,linux-32,linux-64,linux-armv6l,linux-armv7l,linux-ppc64le,noarch}]
Search Anaconda Repository
positional arguments:
name Search string
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t {conda,pypi}, --package-type {conda,pypi}
only search for packages of this type
-p {osx-32,osx-64,win-32,win-64,linux-32,linux-64,linux-armv6l,linux-armv7l,linux-ppc64le,noarch}, --platform {osx-32,osx-64,win-32,win-64,linux-32,linux-64,linux-armv6l,linux-armv7l,linux-ppc64le,noarch}
only search for packages of the chosen platform
Search Anaconda Repository for packages
usage: anaconda config [-h] [--type TYPE] [--set name value] [--get name]
[--remove REMOVE] [--show] [-f] [--show-sources] [-u]
Anaconda client configuration
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--type TYPE The type of the values in the set commands
--set name value sets a new variable: name value
--get name get value: name
--remove REMOVE removes a variable
--show show all variables
-f, --files show the config file names
--show-sources Display all identified config sources
-u, --user set a variable for this user
-s, --system, --site set a variable for all users on this machine
anaconda-client configuration
Get, Set, Remove or Show the anaconda-client configuration.
###### anaconda-client sites
anaconda-client sites are a mechanism to allow users to quickly switch
between Anaconda Repository instances. This can be used with the on-site Anaconda
* Invoke the anaconda command with the `-s/--site` option like this:
anaconda -s site_name whoami
* Set a site as the default:
anaconda config --set default_site site_name
anaconda whoami
###### Add an anaconda-client site
After installing Anaconda Enterprise
you can add a site named **site_name** like this:
anaconda config --set sites.site_name.url "http://<anaconda-enterprise-ip>:<port>/api"
anaconda config --set default_site site_name
###### Site Options VS Global Options
All options can be set as global options that affect all sites
or site options that affect only one site.
By default, options are set globally:
anaconda config --set OPTION VALUE
If you want the option to be limited to a single site,
prefix the option with `sites.site_name`:
anaconda config --set sites.site_name.OPTION VALUE
###### Common anaconda-client configuration options
* `url`: Set the anaconda api url (default: https://api.anaconda.org)
* `ssl_verify`: Perform ssl validation on the https requests.
ssl_verify may be `True`, `False` or a path to a root CA pem file.
###### Toggle auto_register when doing anaconda upload
The default is yes, automatically create a new package when uploading.
If no, then an upload will fail if the package name does not already exist on the server.
anaconda config --set auto_register yes|no
usage: anaconda package [-h]
(--add-collaborator user | --list-collaborators | --create)
[--summary SUMMARY] [--license LICENSE]
[--license-url LICENSE_URL] [--personal | --private]
Anaconda Repository package utilities
positional arguments:
USER/PACKAGE Package to operate on
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--add-collaborator user
username of the collaborator you want to add
--list-collaborators list all of the collaborators in a package
--create Create a package
metadata arguments:
--summary SUMMARY Set the package short summary
--license LICENSE Set the package license
--license-url LICENSE_URL
Set the package license url
--personal Set the package access to personal This package will
be available only on your personal registries
--private Set the package access to private This package will
require authorized and authenticated access to install
usage: anaconda upload [-h] [-c CHANNELS] [-l LABELS] [--no-progress]
[-u USER] [--all] [-p PACKAGE] [-v VERSION]
[--thumbnail THUMBNAIL] [--private]
[--no-register | --register] [--build-id BUILD_ID]
[-i | -f | --force]
files [files ...]
Upload packages to Anaconda Repository
positional arguments:
files Distributions to upload
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
[DEPRECATED] Add this file to a specific channel.
Warning: if the file channels do not include "main",
the file will not show up in your user channel
-l LABELS, --label LABELS
Add this file to a specific label. Warning: if the
file labels do not include "main", the file will not
show up in your user label
--no-progress Don't show upload progress
-u USER, --user USER User account or Organization, defaults to the current
--all Use conda convert to generate packages for all
platforms and upload them
--no-register Don't create a new package namespace if it does not
--register Create a new package namespace if it does not exist
--build-id BUILD_ID Anaconda Repository Build ID (internal only)
-i, --interactive Run an interactive prompt if any packages are missing
-f, --fail Fail if a package or release does not exist (default)
--force Force a package upload regardless of errors
metadata options:
-p PACKAGE, --package PACKAGE
Defaults to the package name in the uploaded file
-v VERSION, --version VERSION
Defaults to the package version in the uploaded file
-s SUMMARY, --summary SUMMARY
Set the summary of the package
-t PACKAGE_TYPE, --package-type PACKAGE_TYPE
Set the package type [ipynb, env]. Defaults to
description of the file(s)
--thumbnail THUMBNAIL
Notebook's thumbnail image
--private Create the package with private access
anaconda upload CONDA_PACKAGE_1.bz2
anaconda upload notebook.ipynb
anaconda upload environment.yml
usage: anaconda download [-h] [-f] [-o OUTPUT] handle
Download packages from Anaconda Repository
positional arguments:
handle user/notebook
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --force Overwrite
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Download as
anaconda download notebook
anaconda download user/notebook
usage: anaconda remove [-h] [-f] specs [specs ...]
Remove an object from Anaconda Repository
anaconda remove sean/meta/1.2.0/meta.tar.gz
positional arguments:
specs Package written as <user>[/<package>[/<version>[/<filename>]]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --force Do not prompt removal
usage: anaconda groups [-h] [--perms {read,write,admin}]
positional arguments:
The group management command to execute
spec <organization>/<group_name>/<member>
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--perms {read,write,admin}
The permission the group should provide
usage: anaconda label [-h] [-o ORGANIZATION]
(--copy LABEL LABEL | --list | --show LABEL | --lock LABEL | --unlock LABEL | --remove LABEL)
Manage your Anaconda Repository channels
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Manage an organizations labels
--list list all labels for a user
--show LABEL Show all of the files in a label
--lock LABEL Lock a label
--unlock LABEL Unlock a label
--remove LABEL Remove a label
usage: anaconda copy [-h] [--to-owner TO_OWNER] [--from-label FROM_LABEL]
[--to-label TO_LABEL] [--replace | --update]
Copy packages from one account to another
positional arguments:
spec Package - written as user/package/version[/filename]
If filename is not given, copy all files in the
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--to-owner TO_OWNER User account to copy package to (default: your
--from-label FROM_LABEL
Label to copy packages from
--to-label TO_LABEL Label to put all packages into
--replace Overwrite destination package metadata
--update Update missing data in destination package metadata
usage: anaconda move [-h] [--from-label FROM_LABEL] [--to-label TO_LABEL] spec
Move packages between labels.
positional arguments:
spec Package - written as user/package/version[/filename]
If filename is not given, move all files in the
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--from-label FROM_LABEL
Label to move packages from
--to-label TO_LABEL Label to move packages to